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Helping Others for the Purpose of Eternity

HOPE Ministries


We are here with help you can trust, because it is rooted in biblical truth. Anyone from the Nashville region is welcome to come for help in dealing with life’s issues and working toward Christ-centered transformation.​


    • Click here to contact us.​​


    • Click here for Introductory Forms.

What do we do?

There are times in life when we just need a helping hand. Sometimes we are doing well in some parts of our lives while struggling in others. Now might be the time to have someone come alongside and encourage you, using the riches of God’s Word as our foundation and guide.


What kinds of problems are the most common?

Among the most common are struggles with emotions (anxiety, depression, fear, anger, grief, etc.), codependency, relationships of all kinds, including marriage, parenting, sexual issues, etc. In all cases we look to the Bible, God’s rich and sufficient Word, to solve the problems of life.


Dr. David Powlison explained about biblical intensive disciple making, we are focused on "Restoring Christ to counseling and counseling to the Church by thinking biblically about the issues of living."

"With all my heart I cry;

answer me, O Lord!"

(Psalm 119:145a)

There is HOPE.​


We believe that our Lord has given us in His Word what we need to know to love and follow Him and to love others as ourselves. There is hope and help.


All our difficulties may not evaporate, but there are answers for dealing with whatever we might be facing. In fact, most who come to HOPE see significant progress in just a few months.


All of our staff have completed a rigorous training program and have been certified by ACBC* and IABC.** HOPE Ministries is administered by Virginia G. Stewart, PhD in Biblical Counseling.​​


​* ACBC (Association of Certified Biblical Counselors)

**IABC (International Association of Biblical Counseling) [not for state licensure]

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